Making Space

Innovative thinking is an essential piece of science curriculum. In the article " The Science Classroom Makerspace" by Michael Ralph deals with the idea of working innovative thinking into the classroom. Although the article talks about how to incorporate it into a biology class it is equally important to incorporate into chemistry and physics. Ralph motioned about how there is no way to add in more to the current curriculum because of the time constraint and all of the standards that need to be met. The best way to handle innovative thinking is to work it into the normal curriculum. I think that this is an essential idea, students will understand the concepts more if they are allowed to discover them in their on. The author also spoke about how he couldn't just drop this onto students. Students most likely have not had experience with design processes or innovative thinking up until this point. Ralph said that he would provide some support. In my classroom I would start off the semester with something that is highly supported and hopefully by the end of the semester students will not need those supports and will be able to think on their own. 

So much of high school is about memorizing and just going through motions. What will carry students in their lives more than knowledge of the Carbon cycle is the ability to extrapolate knowledge. That comes with the ability to think critically and see multiple solutions to problems. 

Standards: Learning Development, Learning Environment


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