Education Road Map

This is an educational road map. During class we were assigned to find events that would have affected our education. The events I have listed may have shaped my education but in reality I did not notice much change. I am only noticing through my education programs today that teachers have to be highly trained. Most of these events that I have listed also only relate to students of lower class or who may have been at risk students. Something like No Child Left Behind would not have affected me since I have educators as parents and not doing well in school was not an option. It is incredibly beneficial for the students who do not have the support at home.
I also put down how there was an adaption to the IDEA. This adaption must have helped many students to get the help that they needed but again, it was not something I would have noticed. Even before the IDEA amendment my mom fought to get my oldest brother tested and succeeded and I have no doubt she should have won for me to be tested as well. 
The next generation science standards were never emphasized at my school so I did not notice them until the preservice teaching program.
The only thing that has really effected me was when Betsy DeVos was appointed to the Department of Education. I have not had any direct negative or positives impacts on my life but there is the possibility that once I actually begin teaching that I will notice more.


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