The Current Atmosphere for Students in IEP and 504 Plan Meetings
While taking to a high school principal in a local area, he mentioned that IEP meetings are ran by teachers. Teachers and other faculty are the ones who create the IEP and often the parents do not know the jargon or the legal terms that are involves so they really have no say in the IEP process. The same happens in 504 meetings, that is, if a meeting even takes place. In a 504 plan no meeting with the parents, student, and teacher is required. Unlike an IEP, a 504 plan doesn't have to be a written document an no meeting is necessary. The school has to inform the parents that there will be changes made to their students learning but unless parents know that they can ask for a meeting nothing will come of it. Teachers can make these plans with no aid from the student or the parents (Educational Advocacy). I had the opportunity to speak with a student who has a 504 plan for ADHD and Anxiety. His parents are advocates for his learning but they have not taught him how to be an advoca
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