How to Prepare Yourself and Your Child for an IEP or 504 Plan Meeting
The first 504 or IEP meeting you attend can be a daunting task but there are many resources and tips available to help you help your child to succeed. "ADDitude" is an online magazine that provides excellent resources for parents whos children have ADD and ADHD. There are two articles posed on their site that aid parents in preparing for an IEP or 504 plan meeting. The first article is written by Karen Sunderhaft and lists 12 tips that will help you prepare for and succeed at the IEP meeting. I will not go though all 12 steps but the one that I feel is the most important is that you need to put your child first ( Sunderhaft, 2017). If you feel your child needs something in the classroom that the teachers are not willing to give, push for it and have reasons that support your belief of why specific accommodations would be helpful. The parent knows the child best and they have more of an understanding of what will work for the students. Parents, no not take this as an excus...